Saturday, September 18, 2004

Me alone.
Tom and Linda

Tom and Linda
Tom and Linda

Sunday, September 05, 2004

A Year

365 days ago it seemed so long. Now it is around the corner.

Almost a year ago, Linda and I took off across the United States, westbound to spend time with Patrick our youngest son, his wife Esther and our precious littlest granddaughter, Isabella (Belly). We took the north route of I94 through Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, and Idaho to Washington State. We planed the trip so as not to rush. We saw such sights as "Mall of America", the geographical center of North America in Rugby, ND, the S.A.C site of Minot, ND, and the buffalo in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Montana.

We visited Pinehaven children's Christian Ranch in St. Ignacius, Montana, a 1080 acre ranch supported by the Christian Churches/Church of Christ in the US. The ranch is selfcontained and has (6) 5000 sqft homes that accommodate up to 16 children per home. The ranch takes troubled youths, primarily those who have been given up on by parents or who have lost parents and the grandparents need help. Mainly rebellious types. It is amazing how these young lives are turned around. The ranch accepts no federal or state aid. Under the oversight of Bob and Nancy Larrson (a minister who started this ranch over 25 yrs ago. They are primarily self contained. They have wells, slaughter house, raise produce, raise beef, produce their own milk, hay, and harvest deer (they were in the process of dressing about 52 deer while we were there). The kids, both male and female are taught in gun safety and are allowed to go on hunting party's if they so desire. One girl had bagged a 10 pt. Whitetail during our visit. We had lunch with one the "Green House" with most of the kids living in that house. We were in awe of their deportment and discipline. Each house is named by its color. There are house parents, some still raising their own children. There are too many success stories to relate here of how they have turned out. Nothing is perfect, but they have a 99% success rate of turning these lives around. They have their own school, with gym and compete with area schools in sports and have a great success rate.

After we left Pinehaven we continued across a couple of snowy mountain passes. Across Washington state to our destination of Lacey, WA. We spent a few short day with Patrick, Esther and Belly. We would have liked to stayed until Patrick shipped out, but after spending 22yrs, 3 months and 24 day in combined active duty and reserves, Linda and I are sensitive to the fact of what it is like with so few days for family to spend together, that we left so they could spend those remaining days more intimately.

Now in about 6 weeks, Patrick will be leaving Iraq and heading home. He has about 18 months of active duty left before he can be discharged. That should keep him from having to return, but we never take anything for granted. Recently where he is they have increased the intensity of rooting out insurgents and that gives one cause for concern. We know he had been protected by angels via the prayers of all our friends and relatives. He had a close one a few weeks ago when the Stryker he was on patrol in tumbled off a 30 Ft cliff and landed on its back. He was banged up pretty bad with multiple cuts, wounds, and bruises. He told us that this was the first Stryker roll over accident that everyone survived. We thank God for that.

With his year over with he will start looking for employment. He is in great demand for intelligence work, but I don't think he is really looking that way seriously. No matter what he does, he will do well.